As I research more on my topic, I decided I would like to expand my boundaries just a little. I am not going to focus strictly on the role of women in the Ultra-Orthodox communities; rather, I will focus on how the Ultra-Orthodox communities confront certain issues. Like I have discussed, I will cover issues that arise from gender equality/inequality. I have read the book Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman once again. I also found her blog so I will be responding to that in the posts to come. I also see that she has an email in which is available for direct contact to her. Perhaps I will try to come in contact with her for a few questions.
Another major topic I am going to focus on is the treatment of sexual abuse. All over the internet, articles can be found discussing the distasteful way in which these Ultra-Orthodox communities deal with victims of abuse. I read many stories about how the victim of abuse has been shunned from the community because it is considered a crime to turn in a fellow Jew. When Mordechai Jungreis learned that his mentally disabled son was being molested, he took matters to the authorities. In response, he and his family were shunned from the community. Their friends began ignoring them in the streets. The landlord kicked them out of their apartment. Messages from unknown people filled their answering machine cursing Jungreis for "tattling" on another Jew. ( Unfortunately, there are many stories just like this one, all over the media. Even more unfortunate is the fact that there are countless more stories that are being "hushed" among the community. Last May, the Daily News reported that Yiddish posters were put up in Williamsburg, asking for contributions for an accused child molester. When the victim's mother saw the posters hanging around the streets she said, "It is very painful, the community has taken his side." The community went so far as to ask for donations for a man who abused a young girl.
I have not yet researched the approach to modern technology, I am not sure if that will lead to anything- I guess I have to check and see!
Poem coming soon
This is a very important topic. Did you see the article by a member of the Hasidic community who advocates on behalf of reporting sexual abuse in the Chasidic community? Check this out:
You also need another post from "December."