Monday, January 14, 2013

Citifield Orthodox Jews Anti-Web Rally

Thousands of men from Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities came together last May in an attempt to warn the community of the potential dangers of the internet.  The rabbis that led the services encouraged the men to avoid the "filth" of the internet at all costs.  Some of the attendees agreed that the internet is vital this day in age; however, they stress that one must take precautionary measures to protect himself from inappropriate material that dominates the cyber world. One man said he used the internet for "shopping, business, and staying in touch with friends." Another man seemed to use the internet for his business as well. He claimed to have "unlimited access, but it's done in a kosher manner." Other attendees were more radical exclaiming that the internet "brings out the worst of us!"

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see some responses to the sex scandals. That sounds interesting. Good work!
